3:00 p.m. – 4:10 p.m.
Is the fight for control of the internet ramping up? The online sphere is going through a period of increased scrutiny. Electoral interference, misuse of personal data, fake news, and content moderation are in the crosshairs nearly every government on the planet. However, much of the internet’s power is rooted in decentralized, global interoperability that transcends nation states. This session explores Canada’s role in emerging issues and asks whether the current structures of multistakeholder internet governance are well suited to the future.
Farzaneh Badiei, Georgia Institute of Technology
Paul Charlton, Senior Policy Advisor, Government of Canada
Paul Andersen, EgateNETWORKS
Konstantinos Komaitis, Internet Society
Fen Hampson, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) (moderator)

Farzaneh Badiei
Georgia Institute of Technology
Farzaneh Badiei is a research associate at the Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public Policy, and the Executive Director of Internet Governance Project (IGP). She is passionate about preserving and advancing the interoperable, open and global nature of the Internet through innovative governance mechanisms. Between 2011 and 2014, Farzaneh worked for the United Nations Internet Governance Forum Secretariat. The bureaucratic role led her to interact and learn from many Internet governance community members from various stakeholder groups, she also gathered valuable insights about the internal functioning of the United Nations. Currently, Farzaneh undertakes research and advocacy about various issues related to Internet governance – namely Internet governance institutions, cybersecurity governance, jurisdictional challenges and the protection of individual rights on the Internet.
She holds a P.h.D in law from Hamburg University, Institute of Law and Economics and has conducted research at Internet research centers such as the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG, Berlin) and the Syracuse School of Information Studies (USA).

Paul Charlton
Telecommunications and Internet Policy Branch of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ISED)
Paul Charlton is a Senior Policy Advisor with the Telecommunications and Internet Policy Branch of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ISED), where his focus is on international telecommunications and Internet policy issues. He is also works on issues relating to the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU), particularly those involving Internet public policy and implementation of WSIS outcomes. In addition, he has worked on Internet-related issues that arise in the context of the G7, G20 and OECD. In January of this year he was appointed to the Internet Governance Forum’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group (IGF MAG), which advises the United Nations Secretary-General on the programme and schedule of the annual IGF meetings. He has attended several past IGF meetings as part of the Government of Canada delegation. Prior to joining ISED Mr. Charlton was a Foreign Service Officer, with postings at the Canadian Embassies in Washington and Berlin, and at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN in Geneva. While in Geneva he covered the ITU, as well as Internet and cybersecurity-related issues arising in other fora such as the UN Human Rights Council. He holds a B.A. (Hons.) degree in Political Science and a Bachelor of Laws degree from Dalhousie University.

Paul Andersen
Paul Andersen is the President of EgateNETWORKS, a Toronto-based managed network service provider he founded in 1996. He is currently Chair of the Board for the American Registry for Internet Numbers, where he has also served as Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and as a member of the policy Advisory Council. Paul has spent much of his career steeped in various multistakeholder communities associated with internet governance. He has served as Board Chairman for both the Canadian Internet Registration Authority and the Toronto Internet Exchange. Paul is a licensed member of Professional Engineers Ontario, and holds a B.A. Sc. in Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto.

Konstantinos Komaitis
Internet Society
Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis is the Senior Director, Policy Development and Strategy at the Internet Society. Konstantinos provides analysis and strategic advice in support of the Internet Society’s mission, including the promotion of the open development, evolution, and use of the Internet. Konstantinos has extensive experience in Internet policy and has held various leadership roles, including the chair of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency at ICANN. Konstantinos joined the Internet Society after working as a senior lecturer at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK. He has a Bachelor’s degree in law from the Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki. He holds two Master’s degrees, respectively, in International and European law (Sheffield) and in Information Technology and Telecommunications law (Strathclyde). He also holds a Doctorate and he is the author of the book “The Current State of Domain Name Regulation”. He is also an arbitrator for the Czech Arbitration Court as well as a TedX speaker. Konstantinos is based in Geneva.

Fen Hampson
Director, Global Security & Politics Program, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Fen Osler Hampson is Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Global Security & Politics Program at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and concurrently Chancellor’s Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Professor Hampson is the Director of the World Refugee Council and was Co-director of the Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG). He holds a Ph.D. and A.M. degree from Harvard University (both with distinction). MSc. (Econ.) degree (with distinction) from the London School of Economics and a B.A. (Hon.) from the University of Toronto.
A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, he is the author or co-author of 13 books and editor or co-editor of 28 other volumes. In addition, he has written more than 100 articles and book chapters on international affairs. The Globe & Mail’s Robert Fife called his most recent book, Master of Persuasion: Brian Mulroney’s Global Legacy (Penguin/Random House 2018) “A long-overdue examination of Mulroney’s foreign policy” which “details in well-written prose the dramatic behind-the-scenes negotiations on the Canada-US and NAFTA trade pacts that are particularly relevant in today’s difficult talks to modernize the agreement.” He is working on a new book BravER Canada: Navigating a Stormy and Un predictable World (with Derek Burney), which will be published next year.